Emergency Closing


No closings at this time.

VGM’s policy is to follow District 70’s closing schedule for snow days. 

In the event of closings due to extreme cold, we will make every effort to open on time and remain open. However, it may become necessary for the school to cancel classes or delay opening. Parents:  Check your email for information on closings and delays.

Should parents be prevented by weather conditions from reaching their children, the staff will care for the children and maintain a proper staff-child ratio until the parents reach the school. Due to the short window between the end of school and the opening of summer camp, VGM is not able to make up snow days. Teachers need this time to prepare classrooms and materials so that camp can start on schedule.

In the event of an emergency evacuation of the building, the staff-child ratios will be maintained and parents may pick their children up at a nearby location. Each staff member will carry emergency contact information and class attendance records. Parents will be contacted by phone or email and given the pick up location.
